Psychology of Classical Music

Research on Mood, Intelligence, Learning, Epilepsy & Mozart Effects

Classical music has been found to reduce tension and enhance specific types of intelligence such as verbal ability and spatial-temporal reasoning, though it does not increase general intelligence. Interestingly, Mozart’s music has also shown some benefits for those who suffer from epilepsy.

Classical Music and Mood
Studies suggest that listening to classical music decreases tension, even in those for whom classical music is not their preferred genre. However, listening to classical music does not necessarily affect other feelings. The ability of music to influence feelings appears to vary depending on musical preference.

Classical Music and Linguistic Abilities
A number of research studies have supported the fact that classical music can have a positive effect on linguistic abilities. One study found that those who listened to Vivaldi while exercising had increased scores on verbal fluency tests after their workouts compared to those who exercised without music.

In another study in Hong Kong of 90 boys between the ages of 6 and 15, those who learned to play music with their school’s string orchestra program scored higher on tests of verbal memory than a control group that did not receive musical training. The boys in the music group were also able to learn more new words than those in the control group.

The Mozart Effect
The Mozart effect has been the subject of much research in recent years, after it was found that listening to Mozart’s music may increase specific types of intelligence, particularly spatial-temporal abilities.

Read more at Suite101: Psychology of Classical Music: Research on Mood, Intelligence, Learning, Epilepsy & Mozart Effects


sepatu_21 said...

Friend......... Dont forget to comment me...

wen-wen ≧ω≦ said...

hi! lephina~
your suggestion is very usefull..

but,, how about classical music and spatial abilities??

sepatu_21 said...

Ehm... Thx for ur comment...for the other you can read my other post...

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